Thursday, January 2, 2020

The American Civil War A Bloody War - 1922 Words

The American Civil War was a bloody war of four years fought between the United States, or the Union, and several Southern slave states known as the Confederate States of America. According to Pulitzer Prize-winning author James McPherson, â€Å"The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.† When Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860, seven states succeeded from the United States forming the Confederate States of America. People of the North, along with the Lincoln administration, failed to recognize the legitimacy of the secession. They feared that with the secession, it would damage democracy and would be the cause of breaking up the United States into small countries, making the word â€Å"United† in United States meaningless. The Confederate States wanted to keep slavery and expand slavery into the newly claimed western territories, while the Union feared that expanding slavery would threaten their control in the Senate because they would be outnumbered by slave states. The two sides failed to come up with a compromise finding the Missouri Compromise of 1850 unconstitutional in 1857. Because the Missouri Compromise was deemed unconstitutional, there was a famous court case where a black salve, Dred Scott, sued for his freedom claiming Missouri citizenship when he was moved to New York. The ruling of the court was thatShow MoreRelatedThe Central American country of Guatemala fought a bloody civil war for over 36 years. The1900 Words   |  8 Pages The Central American country of Guatemala fought a bloody civil war for over 36 years. The internal conflict began in November of 1960 and did not end until December of 1996. 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